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Did I get fat?

At the beginning of last year (1/1/024) I decided to finally start gaining. Now it's 1/20/2024 and I want to know of it worked.


At the beginning of the last year I weighed 80 lbs (36 kg), now I weigh 165 lbs (75 kg). In total, I gained 85 lbs (38 kg) in a year. (I'm 5'5 btw)



My doctor used to say I was too light and should gain a bit of muscle... Now he says that I'm way too heavy and should lose weight



I used to have visible abs and ribs, now both are covered under my fat and I can't even feel my ribcage anymore.



I had the best stamina in my class and was the fastest, now I'm the slowest and barely can even run. I sometimes get out of breath from just walking!!



Back then I ate snacks only rarely and they were always fruit, now I'm almost constantly eating junk food and drinking sugary drinks



Side by side comparison



I used to wear kids L's, now I wear adult M's



Me from the front (then Vs now)



My partner dumped me because I was apparently getting too fat



Overall, my gain was...


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