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How fat I am?
I know I'm fat, but I want to know if I'm really that fat
This is a picture of me (today). I'm 16 years old, 5'10ft and I weigh 324lbs. What is this
Extremely Fat Very Fat Fat Normal Skinny
This is a picture of me about 2 or 3 month ago. I was about 310lbs
Still too fat Still fat You were normal Skinny
I eat too much, 4 or 5 meals a day and a lot of snacks during the day
Too bad Bad Normal That's good Eat more
I'm very sedentary and don't exercise, I just play videogames or read something on the bed, and while eating snacks of course
Very Bad Bad Normal Good
When I was 14, I couldn't play with my little brother on his electric toy jeep because I overloaded it and it would break (I was about 110lbs over the weight limit)
Too bad Sad Normal The car must be too weak
By the way, this is a picture of me when I was 14. I was about 245lbs
Should I lose weight?
Definitely yes Yes Maybe No You are good like this, so definitely no
How much should I weigh?
More than what I weigh today The same as today A little bit less, like 280lbs - 300lbs A lot less, like 220lbs - 240lbs About 180lbs Less than 150lbs
I get fast-food 3 or 4 times a week. Is this bad?
Very Bad Bad Normal Good Should get fast-food more times a week
I broke a plastic chair in my grandmother's house on Christimas just by sitting on it for a while
Too bad Bad It happens The chair is too weak
I asked my little brother for a picture. This is him, he is now 13 years old and already weighs 192lbs (he is still lighter than me, I was over 200lbs when I was his age)
Should he lose weight?
Definitely yes Yes Maybe No Definitely no Should get even fatter
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