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Am I too fat for 14?

Obviously I know I'm fat, but I want to know your opinion on my weight. Remember I'm a 14 years old boy


Took this picture today. Right now, I'm 5'8 and weigh 231lbs



Another picture of me standing that I took today



A picture of me sitting in my chair



This is my back



This picture is from 2 or 3 months ago, when I was about 219lbs



This picture is from last year. I was 5'5 and weighing 186lbs



I eat 3 or 4 very large meals every day and I also eat snacks between those meals. What is that?



I am by far the heaviest person in my classroom. The closest person to my weight is another boy who is about the same height as me but he weighs 188lbs



My bed creaks when I sit down and move and I already noticed my mattress is getting a bit indented



About two weeks ago I sat on my little sister's hopper ball just to rest a bit and eat some chips while I watched her playing, but I ended up bursting the ball (later I saw that the ball could hold only 120lbs, and I'm like a 100lbs heavier than that)



This is what happened to the poor hopper ball... It was completely smashed by my weight when I sat on it



Just me grabbing a bit of my fat


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