1) |
Ok, first question. What is their bedtime, set up by you?
2) |
Do you often favor 1 kid over the others?
3) |
How much of the time do you give them what they want?
4) |
5) |
Here is a scenario. Your kids got invitations to a party that starts tomorrow, but they also have homework. What do you do?
6) |
Do your kids seem to like you?
7) |
The principal calls, and you pick the phone up. He says that your kids have been bullying another student. What should you do?
8) |
Do you often get mad that your kids did something?
9) |
What grade level is acceptable for your kids?
10) |
Are you often a control freak to your kids?
11) |
Last question: How much stress do you have when your kids play?
12) |
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