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I gained waight pt2
I need help with my belly
This was me in the summer
Fat Skinny
This is me now
I gaine waight Lost watch Stayed the same
This is me sucking in
Fat Chubby Skinny
This is me realxed
This is me with shirt on
Is this normal
Yes No
Hand under belly
How much weight do you think I put on
10 or under 10-20 20-30 30-40 Above 40
Should I fast
No Yes
Me sucking in
Me completely realxed
Skinny Fat Chubby
Over all I’m
Skinny Chubby Fat
Does my shirt hide my fat
Should I gain or lose
Lose, Gain
How fat do I look with belly hiding 1=skinny 5=fat
1 2 3 4 5
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