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Should I gain or lose weight
My friends and I want to gain, should we go for it?
So here is what I used to look like... (by the way, none of these pics are mine, but they are closest to it)
Ok Ok
This is what I look like now...
And this is what I want to be like. Should I go for it?
Yes No Maybe gain a little bit more... Lose weight Stay where you are.
My friend looks like this...
He wants to look like this.
My girlfriend looks like this...
She wants to look like this.
My idol is a youtuber named Bigfattyteen who i want to have a jiggly big belly like him.
Ok No
Hey, this is me but I made this quiz about a year ago, and I have make It a little closer. Here is what I look like now...
Eww gross... Nice Bigger Lose some Ok
My other friends haven't made much more progress, but I have! I will make more tests in the future. Bye
Bye Bye
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