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Harry Potter Ultimate Test

I have been reading the Harry Potter books every night for several years, and read the whole series at least 30 times( it's quite astonishing I haven't memorized the books). But anyway I have taken several Harry Potter quizzes and tests and have gotten an
outstanding on all of them, on the last one I did I discovered that I could make my own test. So I have been trying to find some really good questions to ask my readers. And I
hope you get an outstanding on the test. Because I know a lot of people out there like Harry Potter but I want to know if anyone LOVES the magic of Harry Potter as I do. Good luck on the test. WE LOVE YOU JK ROWLING!!!


What is Remus Lupins middle name?



Who killed Fred Weasley?



True or false? JK Rowling seriously considered killing Ron in the middle of the series.



Who wrote Magical Theory?



What was the last thing Richard Harris said to the Harry Potter cast before he tragically past away?



How much did Hermione charge to get into her S.P.E.W. group?



Daniel Radcliffe played with his wands all the time and though he did not know at the time he was breaking them. How many wands did he break total?



Which of these does not belong on Harry's 1st year school list?



When is JK Rowling's birthday?



Which person was not part of Dumbledores Army?



Daniel Radcliffe had to train for several weeks underwater for the Black Lake scene in the Goblet of Fire. How long in total did he spend training underwater?



When did Allen Rickman die?



Where was the golden perch that Fawkes stood on, the first time Harry entered Dumbledores office in the Chamber of Secrets?



Which Order connected house did the death eaters burn down in the Deathly Hallows?



How many people do we know were on top of the Astronomy Tower the night Dumbledore died?



How did Sirius get Harry a firebolt without being seen?



Why didn't Ron immediately return once he had disaperated in the Deathly Hallows?



True or False? Most of the rubble in the battle of hogwarts is fake.



Which of the following is not a Horcrux?



I've saved the best for last in this song-
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old or bald or young with scabby knees,
So teach us something worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn till our brains all rot."
Now as you may have noticed I left out part of the song. Which part did I leave out?


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Test by: A big Harry Potter fan [ edit test ]

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