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Survive this?

Remember, this stuff cans really happen and ppl can't just ignore this. If this happens to you CALL SOME HELP!


Your at school talking to your friends when you hear screaming from the hallway, you..



The killer finds you and locks you you both in the janitors closet and you find that it's the highschooler you had a crush on three year's ago. You...



No matter what you picked he eventually throws you on the ground and "helps himself". You..



You get awAy from the killer and run to the...



You run into the ________ and find you bf or gf there with you. You....



You two end up in a storage cabanate and see no signs of the killer. . you've been waiting for some alone time with him or her so you this is the perfect timing. He or she looks at you with worry in his or her eyes. It's getting really hot in the container. So he or she takes off their shirt(if it's a girl it's wearing a tank top undershirt) he or she looks really good, you



In the middle of you "fun time"you both eventually fall asleep. you awake later tied to a chair againts you lover. You see the killer has a knife at theirthroaght. You..



You make it out but you crushhasa nasty cut on the neck. You go to the...



Your halfway to the destination when the cops bust through the doors and bring you two to safety! You ..



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