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The Are you Neat? Test

Have you ever wondered if you're messy or neat? well, todays your chance to find out. By taking this test you can see if you are messy,neat, or in the middle. Have Fun!

1) Is/was your desk at school......

so messy you cant find anything.....
books on one side folders on the other side and one pencil on the side
kind of messy but still could find things
stinky from old food, stuff from outside and stained books

2) Is your room....

clean: clothes folded in drawers and desk for working is clean and bed is made
clothes all over floor, bed is not made and desk has papers and food all over it.
bed isn't made, some clothes not in place and desk isn't so messy.
i cant even see my floors and walls because they're so dirty
dont know... i haven't looked at it for a while

3) how much do you clean around the house?

once a year
once a month
once a week
every day

4) In your kitchen sink......

the dishes are piled up high
a few dishes
no dishes at all and sink is shiny white

5) Your teeth.....

are covered in food from yesterday
are yellow
have some food in them but is unoticable
shiny and white

6) Your handwriting is......

in neat cursive
so messy no one can read it
kind of messy but people are able to read it
messy cursive
neat printing

7) Do you pick your nose?

yes, when no one is looking and in public
yes, at night time when im in bed and people think im sleeping
yes, when i am doing a speech
yes, and then i give what i got from my nose to someone
why would i do that?!

8) Do you get dirty a lot?

I hardly ever get dirty
sometimes i get dirty
sometimes, but mostly when i am doing a sport
I come home dirty everyday!

9) When you need to wipe your mouth....

I wipe it with a napkin
I don't wipe my mouth at all
I wipe my mouth with my sleeve
I wipe it with whatever I can find

10) When you color...

I color in the lines
I scribble
I don't color
there are a few places where I got out of the lines but they are unoticeable

11) When you turn in a school report.........

I staple it neatly together and it is well orginized
I staple it quickly and it doesn't turn out neat but it still is orginized
I don't even staple it and I turn it in out of order
I clip it with a paper clip and it is wet from water leaking through

12) Are the glasses you give to guests to drink in....

dirty with food
shiny and clean
some food on the outside of the cup

13) When you cook...

everything is orginized into groups
I don't cook, i have a TV dinner every night
i check if i have everything
i check if i have everything and i orginize the things i need into groups

14) How neat is your present wrapping?

I take my time and put a bow on top
I do it so quickly it turns out to be a big mess
I let someone else do the wrapping... I just write the card

15) When you eat....

My shirt gets stained from food and drink
My mouth gets dirty
everything and everybody gets dirty around me
I stuff everything in my mouth
I take my time when I eat and everyone and everthing around me is clean

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Test by: Danna [ edit ]

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